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Normally, I am not one to buy the latest and greatest techno gadget to say I own it. However, in an effort to listen to more music (that I already own and enjoy) I decided to buy an iPod. To consolidate my collection of CDs into an easy access format. Specifically, the 30gb iPod Video - in Black. Yes, it is beautiful. I never thought I would be as hooked as I am, but I am officially hooked. My buddy Dave (who has every iPod since the birth of the iPod), has the newest one and raved about it, so here I am, the proud owner of a new iPod, cables/transmitters for the car, stereo, and a new external Hard drive so I can back up my computer. Gee, the $299 ended up costing a bit more. Oh well, merry christmas to me! Perhaps I can put a few thousand images or a few videos on it as well. I don't care, I just know that I love it and so far it only has music on it. : )
Now I just need to upload all my tunes...a good winter project.
Well, my sister successfully made it thru her knee replacement surgery. At 42, she is quite young to have the surgery done, but since Rheumatoid Arthritis has obliterated the joint there was not much else she could do. She was in a ton of pain before the surgery but sounds awesome now. The amazing thing is that she had the surgery done on Tuesday at about 2 pm and she left the hospital today! I hope that she continues the speedy recovery. I will go home tomorrow to help out for the weekend. Shopping, laundry, whatever, I just want to help out my sis and her family.
As much as I hate winter, it is now upon us in West Michigan. Tonight we are getting "Lake Effect" snow. Oh, joy. One of the things I love about snow is the ability for it to wipe out the color in a photograph. Winter can be very Black and White. It's hard to believe that just four days ago we had highs in the mid 60s. I was out hauling and stacking wood in a long sleeve shirt and jeans. What a difference a few days make.