It's been a few months since my last entry...oops. Time flies. I have been shooting senior pictures out by my lovely little shed. Since it was looking a little raggedy, I decided to paint it. Unfortunately, the color I picked (imagine Granny-Smith-Apple-green) was a ton brighter than I thought it would be; add to that, the walls were a lot more decayed than I thought they were. The paint didn't stick in some places, and where it did stick it looked awful. I decided to call it quits and re-side.
The past two weekends have been spent out in the yard, tending to the shed with the help of a freind. Brian was ever-so-kind to offer his time to show me "how to put up siding" on my shed. Ah, if only it were siding. It all started 2 years ago when I noticed the roof was pretty rotten and I should get a new one put on. $700 later, it was done. (can you say OUCH?!!) I guess I had a lot of trust in the guy who did the roof. Oh well, live and learn. So, now, I need to protect my $700 roof.
I have learned alot in the last 2 weekends.
1. Sometimes you need to rebuild a wall to re-side it.
2. Building a wall takes a lot longer when you put a window in it.
3. Hitting the nail on the head is not always as easy as it looks.
However, there are good people out there that are willing to help out and teach you something new. Building the walls feels pretty good and I have a new appreciation for builders and more respect for my shed.
Two walls down, and two to go. Hopefully, the newscasters in the area are wrong about the pending snow. It's only October!!!