It is snowing (again). While it can be beautiful, I must say that I am already tired of it and it is only mid-February. We still have a good 6 to 8 weeks of this stuff left. The news says that we are already above our yearly average for the Grand Rapids area at 80" as of Sunday. It is now Tuesday as I write and we continue to get snow.
Before the arctic temps came in Saturday night, I decided to get out in the snow and walk around the park by my house. There were lots of people cross country skiing and there was evidence that people had been in the park with snow-shoes, but I didn't see anyone with them on. I just took my camera with me and walked the cold trails. It was really quite beautiful since the trees were all snow covered from previous snows. The trail was surprisingly easy to walk as long as I stayed on the cross country skiers path. Otherwise, I would have been knee-deep in snow. I ventured off path a few times for a shot or two, but mostly stayed on path. I don't like being cold. I felt very fortunate to have two pairs of socks, pants, and shirts on underneath my big down coat. The gloves I had on were not much help but did OK.
When I got back from my hour long walk, I decided to take some pics of my piles of snow. Below are some of the pics I took. I am standing in front of the tallest pile in my driveway. I am 5'6" so I am guessing it is piled up about 5'? Anyway, the snow plow guy told me that he is running out of places to put my snow. My driveway is 476' long so there should be plenty of places to put it. Oh well. One of these days, I need to make snow angels. I think it would be fun. : )

Me in my old coat (for the walk)

Me in the new coat.

part black and white, part full color.

This pic was taken in my driveway Sunday morning. It was minus 3 degrees not counting windchill. BRRR!

This tree was found at the park; a lot of the pine trees look like this these days.