Thursday, September 15, 2005

Art or Body Debris?

You decide.
I went out with a man I met off the Internet. His name was Brian. 45, an artist, well-educated [4 MFA degrees]. The 4 MFA degrees scared me a little bit as I wonder: who really needs four MFA degrees? In 4 different areas from separate schools? I have 2 degrees. One BFA [in printmaking] and an MFA [in Photography] 2, for me, is enough. I thought about getting my PhD. But, I really needed to start working and pay off the MFA degree. No more school. Enough with teachers, etc.
Anyway, back to the brainiac. When he told me about his art, I found him a little odd.
What do you think? Is it art to cut off your finger nails [gotta be in one piece] and save all the nail clippings until there are thousands of them? (at which point you display them on a wall, in little baggies.) Could you stop cutting your nails after the piece is "complete"? No, apparently you need to keep cutting them and saving them because you have done it for so long it is now part of your life.

Another "piece of artwork" is one of pubic hair arranged on a grid and taped down. Some are curly, some straight, etc. (Oh, look at the pretty patterns...)

I'm sorry, NO WAY! I am an artist, and not all of my art is as conservative as what is on my blog, but fingernails and pubic hair do NOT make ART. They are body debris. Things to be thrown out or washed down the drain! No need to leave it on the soap, the counter, the toilet seat, the bed. Say good-bye to them. They are Pubic Hairs, NOT ART. The only pubic hair that is enjoyable, is that attached to the body. Call me crazy, but it ceases to be "ART" once it is shed from the body.

2 dates with this man were plenty (although the guys at the office wanted me to go out on another just to see what crazy sh-- he would come up with next.)

I could not do it. Let him be an artist. He is obviously too deep for me (and many of my artist friends). I will be a real person who makes art on occasion and who does not save finger nail clippings or pubic hair for public displays. I prefer "pretty" pictures that include the human body, flowers and landscapes; not body debris.


Anonymous said...

Does that mean my Butt plugs & Tampon display is not art?

You are a tough critic.

Karen said...

Correct. I know what I like when I see it. Still life with butt plugs, tampons, finger nails, and pubic hair is not art.