Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Phallic Container

For those of you who do not know what "phallic" is the definition I found on dictionary.com is as follows: Of, relating to, or resembling a phallus (or penis).
I am sure that most people of a certain age understand the word, however...
I was chatting with a friend of mine today and spotted an odd object in his office. I looked at him, he looked at me, and we both snickered. Perhaps we should not have snickered, but we just could not resist. It was a 7" phallus-looking clear plastic tube filled with liquid that had a light yellow color. I was brave and picked up the object to find that it was actually a grapefruit-mango flavored protein drink!

Questions now fill my head.

  • Who is the target market for such a product?
  • Why the shape?
  • Why clear plastic and a yellowish liquid? (Why not a more vibrant color that does not look like a urine speciman??)
  • Who would drink out of this?
  • Why such a heavy duty container? Who came up with the shape?
  • Why is the opening at the base?
  • Did they do market research to determine the shape of the packaging?
  • How many do they sell?
  • Do they sell other phallic products?
  • Why would they put a clear protein drink in a container shaped like a phallus?
  • Who would pay $3 per 2.7oz. vile of protein?
  • Do you buy it only for the shape?
  • Is the container recyclable?

I could go on for days, however, I will spare you. You be the judge. What questions come to your mind? Would you drink from this "bottle"? Nine out of ten men that I questioned said, NO! I have to take them at their word, but someone is buying this product. Who is it? I cannot say I would buy it other for the novelty of the shape. Maybe for a bachelorette party? I felt like I needed to wash my hands after touching it. I would love to hear your comments. : )

1 comment:

pairadocs said...

But if you turn it upside-down, it's a test tube with a cap...

...but where do the batteries go?