Thursday, December 29, 2005
My Last day at work this Year
is tomorrow. Happy hour tomorrow night with the gang from the office. It should be fun. It has been a great 6.5 years there and I will miss them. However, I am sure that we will cross paths. So, I look at this time as a new beginning. My new adventure begins in January.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
All good things come to an end.
When one door closes, another opens.
Everything happens for a reason.
Yes, these are just some of the many things I have heard this week now that I know my job of 6.5 years is coming to an end. Thankfully, I have had many, many positive notes from soon-to-be former colleagues. They are refreshing to hear. I put all the positive comments together in a note for myself, as a reminder, that I am smart enough, good enough, and gosh darnit, people like me. Ah, Stuart Smalley was great. ; )
So, January will start a new year and new endeavors and I welcome them!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Quirky waitress
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
King Kong - My review
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
King Kong
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Shopping for the perfect Garage Fridge
Low and behold, ALL of the sales people are sitting around kibbitzing, and like a vulture looking for the latest road kill, the closest salesperson to the door swooped in for the kill.
With flier in hand (printed off their website) I go back to the Refrigerator section. Salesman closest to the door follows me all the way back.
What can I help you find? A garage fridge, I say and show him the one I am looking for. He walks me over there and shows me the model in the ad. Hmm. It is marked at 317 and not marked on sale. But I have the flier with the lower advertised price.
His sell begins. "We do not have ANY of those in stock." (Of course not, that's just what you advertise to get me in the door) Well, can you check your computer and see if one of the other stores in MI has it? "Well, uh, well."
Finally I have persuaded him to check the inventory levels. Sure enough, 0. No guarantees that we will have any by xmas. Once again I tell him, that's fine because my dad will be out of town until New Years.
The bigger story/sell now begins (trying to make me worry that my dad will not have a garage fridge for the holidays). Let me see what I can do. [He walks me down the fridge aisle to the more expensive models and says he can sell me the 499 fridge for 399.] whoopee! Such a deal!
but really, I am only here for the garage fridge, an overflow fridge, nothing fancy, nothing pretty, just something to keep some beer and a few odds and ends cold. Lots of hemming and hawing now. He casts judgment on the sale fridge (and essentially me and my sisters for wanting to buy it) and really wants me in the upscale model. No deal. I am here for the $257 model.
If you and the store would like a sale tonight, please, take my money. I don't want to miss the sale price.
He clearly does not want to do this. However, I am persistent like the Boston Terriers we had that would not let go of the sock when you were playing tug-of-war. He takes me to the register to ring up the $257 fridge. Well, you know, you should really buy the extended warranty on this item because the Garage is VERY hard on the compressor. No, thank you. Dad had the last garage fridge out in the garage for 15+ years. I explain I don't think it will be an issue since he has insulated garage doors, etc. I just want the fridge delivered to my dad after new years!
Finally, I have a receipt for $314 which includes the 257 fridge 40 delivery and taxes.
I am sure his commission was next to nothing, although it was more than ANYONE else in the store was getting since I was the only customer. Hmmm, I wonder why?
Hopefully, they will get the fridge I ordered, if not, I will get another (better) one for that price. Just because of all the grief I went thru to order dad's xmas fridge. It will be fun. I hate going into ABC Warehouse, but would only be able to find that "deal" at the scratch and dent store.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Turkey day has come and gone
It seems as though Thanksgiving was ages ago. However, I am pretty sure it was just a week ago based on the calendar. Time has flown by fast this year. I cannot believe it is already december and there are 22 days until Christmas. Wow. Well, most of my shopping is done. Just a few more little things to get. Pics are from Thanksgiving. There was turkey, pork, (and lamb for the Australians) attending. There were 3 pies and one fancy mereinge dessert. Too much food for the size group we had but there were plenty of leftovers for those that do not mind eating them. It was a very nice evening for all with no family fueds which makes it a bonus.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
ipod - do you?
Normally, I am not one to buy the latest and greatest techno gadget to say I own it. However, in an effort to listen to more music (that I already own and enjoy) I decided to buy an iPod. To consolidate my collection of CDs into an easy access format. Specifically, the 30gb iPod Video - in Black. Yes, it is beautiful. I never thought I would be as hooked as I am, but I am officially hooked. My buddy Dave (who has every iPod since the birth of the iPod), has the newest one and raved about it, so here I am, the proud owner of a new iPod, cables/transmitters for the car, stereo, and a new external Hard drive so I can back up my computer. Gee, the $299 ended up costing a bit more. Oh well, merry christmas to me! Perhaps I can put a few thousand images or a few videos on it as well. I don't care, I just know that I love it and so far it only has music on it. : )
Now I just need to upload all my tunes...a good winter project.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Knee Surgery
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
First Snow of the Season
Crusty Pod Puffs
or milkweed part 2.
Yes, I am a freak. But I find these beautiful. They start out as purple flowers and end up a pod with a crusty outer shell and little seeds attached to cotton puffs. They are so cool. I loved them as a kid and forgot about them for the most part. However, I now have my own crusty pod puffs growing in my yard. : )
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Ah, I remember these from when I was a kid. Up at the cottage along the road on the way to the beach. I don't remember the pretty light purple flowers they have earlier in the year, just the prickly pod of seeds that blow gently into the wind. I thought I took pics of the flower yet I could not find them in my catalog of images, so these will have to do.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Fall at it's peak
Ah, the colors are beautiful at my house these days. I know that it will not last much longer as the heavy clouds are finding their way into MI. A sure sign of the impending winter season. While I am not a big fan of winter I am trying to take in all the warmth of the colorful leaves. Many of my trees have shed their season's growth, but a few are just beginning the process. I think it all has to do with the hills and valleys in my yard; which spots are cooler (more exposed) and those that are more protected from the wind. Those that are more protected still have many of their leaves and the colors went from green (last week) to yellow this week. Its funny how the colors of the leaves are so warm when the weather begins to cool and we are left with nothing but cool colors thru winter.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Feeling "normal" again
Monday, October 24, 2005
Fall Colors
Yes, it's that time of year again. The time just before the time of year I like the least. [winter] Fall is turning out to be a very colorful one around west MI. I have lots of trees on my 3-acre lot. Many maples, a cherry, a few oaks, some crab apples, a couple elm and then a couple I have no idea what they are. I shot a couple picks of the leaves in hopes that someone might know what they are.
Perhaps this one above should be the "State of MI" tree. Since it is kinda shaped like the Michigan mitten {minus the U.P.} Below are some other examples of the same tree's leaves.
The third image reminds me of an Oak leaf. However, the Oak leaves are not typically jagged? I don't know. Wish I did. Wish I had that collection of wax paper-ironed fall leaves from grade school that would tell me what leaves I was looking at. Oh well, I do not have them. Perhaps I can make my own collection of wax paper/ironed leaves. If I could only remember how... Ah, the art projects of childhood.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Headhuggers, Not tree huggers
About 8 months ago a bunch of women at the office invited me to "knitting, lunch, and learn". Since I had NO idea how to knit, I decided to sit in and see what these women were doing. First project, a ten-inch square which would later be turned into a quilt and donated. It was not that easy as I am left handed and nearly everyone else was right-handed. Oh well. I finally figured it out after reading Stitch 'N Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook by Debbie Stoller. (a very fun book for someone interested in learning to knit. Young & hip. Not old and boring.)
The next thing was to make Chemo Caps. A very nice thing to do for people that have lost their hair to Chemotherapy. Well, that seemed to go quite well and soon I had 2 hats made. The first hat was a bit large (even too big for my bucket head) but, would work with a pretty ribbon. The third hat in the pic was my dad's girlfriend's first hat. Not too shabby. I finally bundled them all up and sent them off to Headhuggers to distribute to those in need. I hope they enjoy them. Now I need to knit one for myself since winter is approaching. Next donation? My hair. I am close to the 10" (plus 2" to cleanup & style) needed to send off to Locks of Love. That will be my 5th donation to Locks of Love since 1999. At 12" each time, that means I will have cut off 60" inches of hair since 1999. Yikes!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Men and their cars
This was obvious on Sunday when I went to the Harvest Happening at the Waterford Hills Race Track. There were lots of men with their cars on display before each of them took a turn or two on the race track. The hoods were open for all to see. (Unless of course you had not customized it) All sorts of cars: Corvettes, a Trans Am, kit cars, a lot of Mustangs, a Ford Focus, and a few imports. The guys really love their cars. I think they love them as much as women love babies. They even want pictures of their cars to hang in their office or the garage. I guess the pics bring back memories of life with the car? Good times had in the back seat? At the wheel? Cleaning it? I dunno.
Oh well. As a woman my need to photograph my car is not really that strong. However, after growing up in the Detroit area, (new car Mecca) I have an affinity for the automobile. It was great living in that area since there were always new cars on the roads that had not released to the public yet.
My first Car? A 1970 Chevrolet Station Wagon that was big enough to put a sunfish boat in the back end and head out to the lake. It was the green machine with the seat in the way back.
It was great. Some of the other cars I had the privilege of driving:
- 1976 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Rag Top (Cherry Red w/white Top)
- 1980 Mercury LN7
- 1982 Lincoln Town Car (Black, w/ moon roof) I was styling in this car but caught hell for driving it from my artist boyfriend in college.
- 1986 Chevy Cavalier (the first car I bought --for $3k sold it for $2k 5 years later.)
- 1989 Toyota Camry (USED- totaled before I bought it. : ( --got my money back when I discovered it)
- 1988 Ford Crown Victoria (interim car until I got cash back for Camry 1)
- 1996 Volkswagen Golf (my first new car)
- 2002 Toyota Camry (my second new car--love it)
What was your first car? Your Favorite car?
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Gentleman's Race
Today I got to watch my brother-in-law live out one of his dreams of riding his 2002 Corvette something series (sorry, I don't know the model #) on a race track. The "race" considered to be a "Gentleman's race" where the men are not out to place first (or damage their pricey cars) but just want to ride on a closed course race track with straight-aways, tight corners, hills, etc. and feel as though they are actually in a race. There is some passing for position, but nothing too intense. These guys seemed to be out there because they love (to drive) their cars instead of wanting to win the race. It was cool to watch.
I got in trouble a couple of times because I got a little too close to the track and was asked to back off. I backed off but still got some good shots. I shot about 200 pictures. A few of them were for other men that saw me shooting and wanted pics of their car/race. It was fun. Very different than the Figure 8 races I have attended in the past year, but enjoyable none-the-less.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Phallic Container
For those of you who do not know what "phallic" is the definition I found on is as follows: Of, relating to, or resembling a phallus (or penis).
I am sure that most people of a certain age understand the word, however...
I was chatting with a friend of mine today and spotted an odd object in his office. I looked at him, he looked at me, and we both snickered. Perhaps we should not have snickered, but we just could not resist. It was a 7" phallus-looking clear plastic tube filled with liquid that had a light yellow color. I was brave and picked up the object to find that it was actually a grapefruit-mango flavored protein drink!
Questions now fill my head.
- Who is the target market for such a product?
- Why the shape?
- Why clear plastic and a yellowish liquid? (Why not a more vibrant color that does not look like a urine speciman??)
- Who would drink out of this?
- Why such a heavy duty container? Who came up with the shape?
- Why is the opening at the base?
- Did they do market research to determine the shape of the packaging?
- How many do they sell?
- Do they sell other phallic products?
- Why would they put a clear protein drink in a container shaped like a phallus?
- Who would pay $3 per 2.7oz. vile of protein?
- Do you buy it only for the shape?
- Is the container recyclable?
I could go on for days, however, I will spare you. You be the judge. What questions come to your mind? Would you drink from this "bottle"? Nine out of ten men that I questioned said, NO! I have to take them at their word, but someone is buying this product. Who is it? I cannot say I would buy it other for the novelty of the shape. Maybe for a bachelorette party? I felt like I needed to wash my hands after touching it. I would love to hear your comments. : )
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Grilled Salmon
Although I am not a seafood fan, I decided I must try the salmon that I was given in return for the photos I took. So, I marinated the salmon steaks in olive oil, lime juice, crushed garlic and pepper; grilled them and had one for dinner. The smell and the flavor of the meat was not at all fishy [probably because it was sooo fresh] which was a very good thing. It was good, but I must say, I had a hard time peeling the skin off so I could eat the fish. It really creeped me out as it was too close to the fish for me. My next career will not be, "fisherman".
I remember fishing with my grandfather when I was a little girl and spending a lot of time puking from the smell. (I don't think he was too happy about that.) To think, that my family comes from a fishing community in Nfld.
Oh well, the fish did not go to waste. I called my friend Carole (who loves Salmon) and gave her 3 grilled steaks and 4 frozen steaks. She was, oh, so happy to have the salmon. I just could not eat the salmon. I wonder, if I went to a farmer's field, and took pictures of his beef cattle, would he give me some steaks in trade?
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Salmon - swim upstream to die?
I think the coolest thing for me was to see the fish flying out of the water in an effort to get over the wall and into the next level of the river. Unfortunately, I was unable to capture any of those shots. : (
Check out a couple of the photos at Flickr
Monday, September 26, 2005
The stars are out tonight
Tonight as I walked out to the mailbox and observed the stars, I was reminded of living in Raleigh, NC, after Hurricane Fran [9.6.96]. Although the hurricane had done some damage to the area and I had no power for 10+ days, my friends and I enjoyed hanging out under the stars in the middle of the city. It was a treat to see the stars in an area normally flooded by city lights. The nights after the storm were pretty peaceful, actually relaxing. The storm sure as hell wasn't. A storm like that changes your perspective on things. I know my view of hurricanes has changed and I really don't want to go thru another one. I guess it is OK living in Michigan.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Demo Scramble at Ionia
All in all, it was still more fun than the bus races at Berlin. Lots of cars bit the dust and ended up like an upside down bug needing attention to go any further. Hopefully Figure 8 will get one of the cars up for the last race of the season. Who knows.
At any rate, here are a couple of shots from the race. (in no particular order)
Monday, September 19, 2005
the man on the moon
is smiling cause he's in love with the girl on the world? [from a Harry Connick, Jr song] I can hear the tune, but was never good with all the lyrics of a song. Like the b-52s song love shack, I thought the one line was, Hen-ry, Bust-ed! [instead it is really Tin Roof, Rusted] Hmm, I think it is because of the video where someone walks into the house and then they say, ...Tin Roof, Rusted?
I am sure there are other songs that I have messed up the lyrics on, but I remember the melody.
Well, you can't see the man on the moon here, but that is what I think of when I see the full moon. This shot is from 9.26.04. Kathlee inspired me to go shoot another, but I didn't catch it at the right time. So, this will have to do. Love the full moon.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Bus Races at Berlin Raceway
It provided a great opportunity to people watch. People that I do not see on a regular basis. There were a few women in evening gowns [seemed odd] but mostly people in jeans & t-shirts which was OK by me. I would be remiss if I failed to mention the giant foam Cowboy hats (which you could not see around if you had one in front of you) and the t-shirt of the day? F... Milk. Got Beer?
Sam and I ate before we went out there as I am not a big fan of overpriced, carni-style food. However, it was interesting to see what others were eating. Buckets of fries, and what I thought were batter dipped french fries [how much grease do you need in one fry?] but Sam insisted they were chicken strips. Hmmm. There were lots of cans of beer and wine-type coolers for sale, along with krispie creme donuts, ice cream, and cotton candy.
Back to the race, the stock cars went around in circles, some hitting the others but mostly trying to avoid hitting others or speeding out of control. Their cars cost a lot more [than fig. 8 cars] so they probably do not want to smash them up. The bus races were a little tense as they are SO BIG on that little track so that was fun.
I think the figure 8 races that I went to were a little more exciting because there was always some smashing going on. Junker cars roaming around on the track smashing into each other at the center of the 8. Perhaps it is because a friend of mine is just crazy enough to ride in the figure 8s that I enjoy those more. Who knows.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Art or Body Debris?
I went out with a man I met off the Internet. His name was Brian. 45, an artist, well-educated [4 MFA degrees]. The 4 MFA degrees scared me a little bit as I wonder: who really needs four MFA degrees? In 4 different areas from separate schools? I have 2 degrees. One BFA [in printmaking] and an MFA [in Photography] 2, for me, is enough. I thought about getting my PhD. But, I really needed to start working and pay off the MFA degree. No more school. Enough with teachers, etc.
Anyway, back to the brainiac. When he told me about his art, I found him a little odd.
What do you think? Is it art to cut off your finger nails [gotta be in one piece] and save all the nail clippings until there are thousands of them? (at which point you display them on a wall, in little baggies.) Could you stop cutting your nails after the piece is "complete"? No, apparently you need to keep cutting them and saving them because you have done it for so long it is now part of your life.
Another "piece of artwork" is one of pubic hair arranged on a grid and taped down. Some are curly, some straight, etc. (Oh, look at the pretty patterns...)
I'm sorry, NO WAY! I am an artist, and not all of my art is as conservative as what is on my blog, but fingernails and pubic hair do NOT make ART. They are body debris. Things to be thrown out or washed down the drain! No need to leave it on the soap, the counter, the toilet seat, the bed. Say good-bye to them. They are Pubic Hairs, NOT ART. The only pubic hair that is enjoyable, is that attached to the body. Call me crazy, but it ceases to be "ART" once it is shed from the body.
2 dates with this man were plenty (although the guys at the office wanted me to go out on another just to see what crazy sh-- he would come up with next.)
I could not do it. Let him be an artist. He is obviously too deep for me (and many of my artist friends). I will be a real person who makes art on occasion and who does not save finger nail clippings or pubic hair for public displays. I prefer "pretty" pictures that include the human body, flowers and landscapes; not body debris.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Men and their hair plugs
Don't put plugs in. Don't do the toupe. Please, please, please don't do the comb-over! You are not fooling anyone. Let it go! Shave it off. It is OK! Men look good without hair on their head.
I used to love the feeling of rubbing my hands on my boyfriend's shaved head. It felt great against my hands. Touch is a wonderful thing.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
my left foot
and then my right foot. Not the movie, but my feet. : )
They felt soo good on the smooth, wet rock in Lake Michigan on Sunday. The water is still relatively warm thanks to the higher than normal temps this summer. Dad and I walked the beach one hour north of his house and back. We had a good talk.
It was a gorgeous day as the light is amazing at this time of year. Just what I needed.
Monday, September 05, 2005
Guardian Frog
Some people have guardian angels, I had a guardian frog this weekend.
I found it odd to see him affixed to the side of my house and then on the screen door. [I believe he is a tree frog due to the cool little suction cups on his "Feet".] However, froggy decided to stay close by my side this weekend. So, I decided to be the paparazzi and shoot him.
Ah, I remember the days when my little sister used to go down the road at the cottage to go froggin. She kissed a lot of frogs back then; even fed one to an unsuspecting horse. I am sure the horse was not very happy (about as unhappy as Keydiddle was when the horse ate the frog she was showing him). Oh well, something new for the horse that day.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Prickly One
If everything on God's green earth has a purpose, could someone tell me the purpose of the thistle? To be 6' tall and covered in needles? Yikes. While it is visually pleasing, I don't understand the value of thistle. (other than giving me the ability to understand why there are other plants/flowers I like much better.) Does any good come from such a prickly beast?
Canon EOS-10D, iso 1600, lens 105mm, shutter 1/125 sec, aperture f/4.5.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Bumble Bees
My sunflowers are all a buzz right now with Bumble Bees. I pull in nightly and stop to see how many of them are hanging out on the flowers. Tonight I decided I needed a few more photos. They are really quite amazing because they had no care in the world that I was even there. All they wanted was the pollen. I was nothing to them. That's OK since I am not into getting stung. But it was pretty cool to be so close and not be bothered by them.